Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Power of Forgiveness

What a wonderful first day to spring. The sun is shining, the warm breeze is blowing. We are so lucky to be here each and every day.

Yesterday I spoke about Living your best life. I also talked about forgiving people and that is what helps me live my best life.
The power of forgiveness is a wonderful, fulfilling feeling.
However, I can understand that some circumstances do not allow oneself to forgive another person for their wrongdoings.
I know of a lady who lost a child this year due to another family members mistake. It has been heartwrenching for all involved and due to the circumstances this family cannot forgive the family member who caused the incident that took their child's life. As a mother myself I can totally understand where they are coming from. Not everything can be forgiven. If someone was responsible for taking my child's life I don't think I could forgive.
This is where we still can find forgiveness in our heart and soul. If you cannot ever forgive the person or circumstance you can forgive Yourself for not being able to forgive.
You can let go of the guilt you hold yourself. Once you have achieved this your soul will be restored and healed. We will feel uplifted, refreshed and renewed.
If there is something holding you back from forgiving, something that is not totally unforgiveable, remember people make mistakes. We are all human and we all say and do things we later regret. Life is too short to hold grudges over minor things.
If you hold a grudge forever over a little disagreement think of all the wonderful times and opportunities you may miss. Everyone deserves a chance and even a second and third chance. If you have in you the inability to forgive than at least look at the circumstances again through a different set of eyes. hrough their eyes. Offer them support. Offer them kindness. Offer them love. Do your best to help them. 
 If this fails to work, forgive yourself, and know you tried your best :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Living your best life

Once one realises that they have seen the darkness and want to see the light it is up to you as an individual person to realise your own potential. To realise where you want to be in your life and how to make your place in the world. We all have opportunities to be the best we can be and to live our own best life.
You have to decide what your 'best life' entails.
For me I want to be the best person I can be. This to me doesn't mean monetary success. This to me means being a kind, empathetic, giving, loving person. I want all who meet me and know me to be drawn to the fact that I am loving and forgiving.
Once upon a time I held the opinion and stance to 'never forgive and never forget'. That was until a point came in my life where I had to choose whether or not to live up to that expectation and cut someone out of my life who had taken the wrong path. Or whether I rise above that belief and forgive and empathise with this persons wrong choices.
As this person was someone quite close to me, the thought of losing my relationship with them was not an option. I truly believe that this event happened to teach me the value of forgiveness. To teach me to look outside my own feelings and to delve into the feelings of others. To empathise and to forgive.
So that is what I did. I am so glad I made that choice.
Living my best life also entails a love of nature and the environment and a respect of all living things. One that encourages me to teach this respect to my children.
It also entails being kind to others. Offering money to the homeless and not judging why they are where they are.
Of enjoying to give more than I recieve and to make the world a better place for those less fortunate.
I truly believe that when I go to bed at night I hope I have made a difference to someone on that one day. It doesn't have to be a big thing, something small and simple like smiling at a stranger in the street and making them smile back.
So my dear friends are you living your best life?
What do you think would help you to live your best life?
I look forward to hearing your stories :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"If you want to see the light you have to know the darkness" .... Coolio

When I was a teenager watching what I think was the MTV American Music Awards, the singer "Coolio", after winning and award said the following quote "If you want to see the light you have to know the darkness". At the time it stuck in my mind and little did I know that one day it would really really hit me.  And not only would it really hit me, one day I would totally 'get it'.
In order to see the good things in life, we often have to see the bad. We often have to experience the lowest of lows and the darkest of days in order to be able to see the light.
Whilst I have been blessed with a beautiful life. One with little loss of loved ones, and no real horrible events I have also hit rock bottom with depression and anxiety. I have seen the darkness. I have never been quite suicidal but I have gotten to the point where I have felt so lost and wondered what the purpose of life was. Luckily when I reached this point I sought professional help. This helped me immensely but life held further lessons for me to learn before the darkness finally cleared.
I believe life is one big lesson and along the ways some lessons aren't as good as others.  The lessons some people learn are harsher than others and unfortunately some lessons are downright horrible. Some people are never able to leave that bubble of darkness which is just too too sad and breaks my heart.
But dear souls I need to tell you that the darkness can be lifted. It is possible. It might take alot of work and it won't happen straight away but rest assured if you seek, If you manage to hold that hope and faith in your heart and in your dreams , you will find the light. It may not be now, it may not be in 12 months but it is there. It takes all of your heart and soul, and a lot of dedication on your part to make it happen but...... it can.
If you stick with me through this I will try and tell a story and show you how that light can be so incredible, so magical that the darkness will seem like it never existed.
With deepest blessings

Clear Blue Skies on Rainy Days

I have started this blog to share with others the simple joy of everyday life. The simple joy of even the mundane things that we all complain about.
As someone who has suffered with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Mild Depression at one point in my life I am so blessed that this dark cloud has vanished and that I see the light again.
I cannot advise on how to overcome that horrible darkness that one suffers with depression but I can write about my experiences and my thoughts of how I now feel and of what I think helped me along the way to loving where I am right now.
I hope this journey is full of blessings for all of us to share together and that it provides a safe havent for people to come to , to discuss their ups and downs, their sorrows and their joys.